Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rizal Law Essay Sample free essay sample
WHEREAS. Republic Act No. 1425 approved on June 12. 1956. directs all schools. colleges and universities. public and private. to include in their course of study. classs on the life. plants and Hagiographas of Jose Rizal. peculiarly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which ââ¬Å"are a changeless and animating beginning of nationalism with which the heads of the young person. particularly during their formative and decisive old ages in school should be suffused ; â⬠WHEREAS. harmonizing to Dr. Rizal. ââ¬Å"the school is the book in which is written the hereafter of the state ; â⬠WHEREAS. in 1996. the Filipino people will mark the centenary of Rizalââ¬â¢s martyrdom and. two old ages thenceforth. the centenary of the Declaration of Philippine Independence ; and WHEREAS. as we prepare to observe these watershed events in our history. it is necessary to rekindle in the bosom of every Filipino. particularly the young person. the same loyal ardor that one time galvanized our forbears to outstanding accomplishments so we can travel frontward together toward a greater fate as we enter the twenty-first century. NOW. THEREFORE. I FIDEL V. RAMOS. President of the Republic of the Philippines. by virtuousness of the powers vested in me by jurisprudence. hereby direct the Secretary of Education. Culture and Sports and the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education to take stairss to instantly and to the full implement the missive. purpose and spirit of Republic Act No. 1425 and to enforce. should it be necessary. appropriate disciplinary action against the regulating organic structure and/or caput of any public or private school. college or university found non following with said jurisprudence and the regulations. ordinances. orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto. Within 30 ( 30 ) yearss from issue hereof. the Secretary of Education. Culture and Sports and the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education are herewith directed to jointly subject to the President of the Philippines a study on the stairss they have taken to implement this Memorandum Order. and one ( 1 ) twelvemonth thenceforth. another study on the extent of conformity by both public and private schools in all degrees with the commissariats of R. A. No. 1425. This Memorandum Order takes consequence instantly after its issue. DONE in the City of Manila. this 26th twenty-four hours of December in the twelvemonth of Our Lord. Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four. ( SGD. ) FIDEL V. RAMOS PresidentRepublic Act No. 1425||House Bill No. 5561Senate Bill No. 438 An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools. Colleges and Universities courses on the Life Works and Writings of JOSE RIZAL. peculiarly his novels NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO. Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof. and for Other Purposes. Whereas. today. more than other period of our history. there is a demand for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and patriotism for which our heroes lived and died. Whereas. it is fitting that in honouring them. peculiarly the national hero and nationalist. Jose Rizal. we remember with particular fancy and devotedness their lives and works that have shaped the national character ; Whereas. the life. plants and Hagiographas of Jose Rizal peculiarly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. are a changeless and animating beginning of nationalism with which the heads of the young person. particularly during their formative and decisive old ages in school. should be suffused. Whereas. all educational establishments are under the supervising of. and capable to ordinance by the State. and all schools are enjoined to develop moral character. personal subject. civic scruples. and to learn the responsibilities of citizenship ; Now hence. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled SEC. 1Courses on the life. plants and Hagiographas of Jose Rizal. peculiarly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. shall be included in the course of study of all schools. colleges and universities. public or private ; Provided. That in the collegiate classs. the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their English interlingual renditions shall be used as basic texts. The Board of National Education is hereby authorised and directed to follow forthwith steps to implement and transport out the commissariats of this Section. including the authorship and printing of appropriate primers. readers and text editions. The Board shall. within 60 ( 60 ) yearss from the effectiveness of this Act promulgate regulations and ordinances. including those of a disciplinary nature. to transport out and implement the ordinances of this Act. The Board shall proclaim regulations and ordinances supplying for the freedom of pupils for ground of spiritual belief stated in a pledged written statement. from the demand of the proviso contained in the 2nd portion of the first paragraph of this subdivision ; but non from taking the class provided for in the first portion of said paragraph. Said regulations and ordinances shall take consequence 30 ( 30 ) yearss after their publication in the Official Gazette. SEC. 2It shall be obligatory on all schools. colleges and universities to maintain in their libraries an equal figure of transcripts of the original and expurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. every bit good as Rizalââ¬â¢s other plants and life. The said unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their interlingual renditions in English every bit good as other Hagiographas of Rizal shall be included in the list of sanctioned books for needed reading in all public or private schools. colleges and universities. The Board of National Education shall find the adequateness of the figure of books. depending upon the registration of the school. college or university. SEC. 3The Board of National instruction shall do the interlingual rendition of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. every bit good as other Hagiographas of Jose Rizal into English. Tagalog and the chief Philippine idioms ; do them to be printed in cheap. popular editions ; and do them to be distributed. free of charge. to individuals wanting to read them. through the Purok organisations and the Barrio Councils throughout the state. SEC. 4Nothing in this Act shall be construed as amending or revoking subdivision nine hundred 27 of the Administrative Code. forbiding the treatment of spiritual philosophies by public school instructors and other individuals engaged in any public school. SEC. 5The amount of three hundred thousand pesos is herewith authorized to be appropriated out of any fund non otherwise appropriated in the National Treasury to transport out the intents of this Act. SEC. 6This Act shall take consequence upon its blessing. Republic Act No. 229AN ACT TO PROHIBIT COCKFIGHTING. HORSE RACING AND JAI-ALAI ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER OF EACH Year AND TO CREATE A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE PROPER CELEBRATION OF RIZAL DAY IN EVERY MUNICIPALITY AND CHARTERED CITY. AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section 1. The bing Torahs and ordinances to the contrary notwithstanding. cockfighting. Equus caballus racing and jai-alai are herewith prohibited on the 30th twenty-four hours of December each twelvemonth. the day of the month of the martyrdom of our great hero. Jose Rizal. Section 2. It shall be the official responsibility of the city manager of each municipality and hired metropolis to make a commission to take charge of the proper observation of Rizal Day Celebration of each twelvemonth. in which he shall be the president. which shall be empowered to seek the aid and co-operation of any section. agency. office. bureau or instrumentality of the Government. and the local civic and educational establishments. Among the ceremonials on Rizal Day shall be the elevation of the Filipino flag at half mast in all vass and public edifices. Section 3. Any individual who shall go against the commissariats of this Act or license or let the misdemeanor thereof. shall be punished by a mulct of non transcending two 100 pesos or by imprisonment non transcending six months. or both. at the discretion of the tribunal. In instance he is the city manager of a municipality or a hired metropolis he shall endure an extra penalty of suspension from his office for a period of one month. In instance of partnerships. corporations or associations. the condemnable liability shall devolve upon the president. manager. or any other functionary responsible for the misdemeanor thereof. Section 4. This act shall take consequence upon its blessing. Approved. June 9. 1948. 2. Explain how Rizal Law affects the lives of Filipinos. The instruction of the Rizal Course in the schoolroom is intended to rouse the sense of nationalism and patriotism of every Filipino young person. The relevancy of Rizalââ¬â¢s ideals and instructions. the Rizal Law will force the pupils to use the rules by Rizal. as solutions to present twenty-four hours jobs. By analyzing the life and plants of Rizal pupils may be transformed into productive citizens of the state.
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